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I'm Amanda

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I think there are an infinite amount of ways you can describe someone. Some of my personal favorite ways to describe myself would be… an artist, a dreamer, a lifelong learner, a lover of life… a sister, a daughter, a friend.


I believe in purpose, in mine and in yours. I feel a strong sense that anything is possible, and that the things that excite us are closely related to the reasons we are here, and the ways in which we can make the biggest difference.


I feel that my personal purpose is related to various forms of artistic expression, because I get so excited and feel so alive when I am creating, especially acting and writing.


Just as I believe you can describe someone in infinitely many ways, I think we all have an infinite number of stories to tell. The story I want to highlight here has to do with the main reason I started this blog.

Two days after my 18th birthday, I experienced a panic attack that set off a vicious cycle of panic attacks that occurred daily, sometimes more than once a day. It seemed like it came out of nowhere, but the truth is, I had dealt with anxiety for years. I even had a few panic attacks before I even understood what they were or that that’s what was happening to me.  (I share a more in-depth look at my history of dealing with anxiety and panic here).

After developing Panic Disorder, I had developed a depression stronger than I had ever experienced before, and I wasn’t sure how I was going to survive living every day in a state of panic. But things did get better, day by day, step by step…  and although I still deal with anxiety (like everyone), it’s no longer debilitating, and today I’m more at peace than I was before I knew I was having panic attacks.

I want everyone to know that there is always, always light there… even if you can’t see it yet.

My mission in all of my creative endeavors is to shift our perceptions to those of empathy, love, and believing that we have the power within us to live the life we desire, and to see that that is the way we can uniquely make the biggest difference in the world.

I also strive to get rid of the stigma around mental health, because mental health is a part of everyone’s life, and everything begins with the mind. If we could all really understand the power of our minds, imagine how that could empower the whole world!

That being said, I write to help us all (myself included) see the light that is within and around us.


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Amanda Beck

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